I love being a mom, I would never change it, not for a bazillion dollars! But there are things I miss. Today I just wanted to talk about the thing I miss the most. I also want to know do you miss anything specific since becoming a mom or if you are not a mom yet are you afraid of missing something specific?
I miss time. I miss my time. I miss how I could do what I wanted when I wanted, around basic commitments obviously. Does this return as kids get older?! I always have a laundry list of things to do including work, cleaning, laundry, even my husband!! I may be bad at time management some days, but I really feel that my life right now is very restricted and its hard to have a shower some days!
This can’t last forever right?! At what age did you start to feel back in control of your own life and time? Maybe it’s worse because I work from home, is it different for you moms who work out of home?
Although there might not be enough hours in a day and my kids might be more demanding some days than others, I believe there is an end in sight. I know it will never go back to how it was before kids, but a compromise of time would suit my sanity better!
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
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Tuesday - 27 / 11 / 2012