Have you noticed that movies that are geared to children are increasingly adding adult humour, sexuality and even some nudity? How can we keep track of what is acceptable and what isn’t anymore? Parents used to be able to easily distinguish what was for children by the sheer fact that it was animated. Not so anymore. Some of the most crude movies and television shows are animated now.
It is easy for parents to conclude: “If it’s popular and other kids are watching it, it must be okay.” Right? Well, let’s think about that for a minute. Would you leave your banking decisions up to your friends and neighbours? No way. Most people are in debt. How much more valuable is the treasure of our children? It’s both our privilege and our responsibility to give our children direction. For a short time they see us as the one with all the answers. We have to take that opportunity to guide them and to teach them to make good decisions on their own. If they see us relying on “what everyone else is doing”, they’re likely to follow suit.
So what can we to do about it?
Should we sit down and watch every show, movie, game and music video with them? I don’t think many of us have time to do that. Should we take away all media from them to ensure that they aren’t exposed to anything? That’s not the answer either. We must find a way to protect our children from the negative and still provide them with the positive.
I don’t have all the answers, but there is one excellent resource available online that I have benefitted from repeatedly. Focus on the Family has a website called “Plugged-In,” which allows parents to type in the name of the movie, TV show, music, video, or game that they would like to review. It then displays an outline of all the positive and negative elements so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not you want your child to be exposed to it. Movie reviews include language, sexual, drug, alcohol, nudity, and spirituality content. We’ve used it before going to a theatre and before watching a movie at home. If this is something that interests you, check out their website at www.pluggedin.ca.
Proverbs 10:17 : The one who follows instruction is on the path to life, but the one who rejects correction goes astray.
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