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Believing in Santa

I have always loved Christmas. It is my favourite holiday! For the most part, Christmas just brings out the best in people! Unless of course you are out shopping the day before Christmas….then it can bring out the crazy in people! lol I have amazing memories of Christmas growing up as kid, it was always such a big deal for us!

Once I got a bit older – like 18ish, it just kind of became another holiday. You had to buy gifts for others, you got gifts, ate lots of food, and called it a day. I think at this point I started getting less ‘fun’ gifts, and more practical ones (house items etc) and it didn’t seem as exciting as it once had. I wasn’t a little kid anymore and I had lost the excitement.

The year I had my daughter it all changed again! Christmas was exciting again! Not necessarily for me, but because of my daughter! She was only 5 months old her first Christmas, so was more interested in eating the wrapping paper than the actual gifts themselves, but it still brought to me a new found joy for the holiday!

The next year is when the fun really began! She kind of knew who Santa was, and was excited Christmas morning to come and see what he had left her! It is her believing in Santa that brings me so much joy! I don’t remember how old I was when I knew the truth, but I remember how I felt. Hearing at school that he wasn’t real, that one man couldn’t do all that parents say he did. I remember questioning it. That year I swore I saw Rudolph flying (don’t laugh, I was a kid!) so he had to be real!! It was more than likely just a red light from a plane, but as a kid, it HAD to be Santa! The next year I knew the truth, and it wasn’t really the same after that.

Having my children believe now makes me so happy and excited! Writing letters to Santa, getting pictures taken with him, leaving milk and cookies out – it all adds to the feeling of Christmas! I love watching all the movies and shows on tv with my daughter, and decorating and baking. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes is what it is all about. My son is still a little young yet to grasp the whole Santa idea. But I am sure next year he will, and it will be a whole new experience again.

Part of me already fears for the day that they won’t believe, and it is just another holiday to them. But until that time, I am soaking in all the joyous feelings that seeing Christmas through a childs eyes can bring. It is truly magical, enough to almost make me believe in Santa again myself!

At what age did you or your children stop believing in Santa? What do you find changed when that happened? Did/does it take away some of the magic of Christmas for you?

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Comments (10)

  1. Amy Monday - 03 / 12 / 2012 Reply
    My oldest is 9 and still believes..... still not sure what I'll do when she finally learns.... would love to hear what other people think.
    • Crystal Monday - 03 / 12 / 2012 Reply
      That is great Amy that she still believes! I hope that it continues for you, as long as it can! :)
  2. Andrea Monday - 03 / 12 / 2012 Reply
    My son is 2 1/2 this year for Christmas and he is really starting to get into the whole Christmas thing. We are "pro-Santa" at our house and he points him out when he sees him on someone's yard or in decorations at the grocery store. I kind of wish Santa wasn't plastered everwhere though, it makes me worry that my son will start to question things too early! I don't remember how old I was when I stopped believing but thankfully I had a younger brother, so I still got to play along for a couple more years ;)
    • Crystal Monday - 03 / 12 / 2012 Reply
      I always tell my daughter that Santa has helpers here because he can't be everywhere, and that all the Santa relay the message on to the Main Santa for the big day! ;)
  3. boppa Monday - 03 / 12 / 2012 Reply
    Santa isn't just a person who exists, Santa is a feeling from within the heart. My kids still believe in me, so they still do believe in Santa, and now my Grand children believe in me as well. I have and always will love the feeling of Christmas.
    • Crystal Monday - 03 / 12 / 2012 Reply
      Awwww Boppa Dad! This brought tears to my eyes! I know how much you love Christmas, probably why I do too! Thanks for commenting, and thanks for always making Christmas special for us all, even when it was hard to do so some years. xoxox
  4. Lisa Tuesday - 04 / 12 / 2012 Reply
    My kids believe in Santa, but my 6 year-old is very smart and already questions how he can do the things he does. She has asked me if he is real, or just parents. Thanks to a friend who gave me a tip when asked if the Tooth Fairy is real, I replied, "Well, I like to believe that he is real." I'm actually not pro-Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc.; I'd rather tell my kids the truth. But (a) I'm afraid they'll tell their friends and be the kids who ruin it for others, (b) I like seeing the joy in their faces and (c) it's a good tool to use to promote good behaviour! Ha ha...
    • Crystal Tuesday - 04 / 12 / 2012 Reply
      I totally fear that someone on my daughters bus or in her class will say something! And I also use it as a threat sometimes... "Santa is watching!!" lol ;)
  5. Melody Lachance Wednesday - 05 / 12 / 2012 Reply
    I agree with boppa, Christmas is a feeling! I have decorations that say "I Believe" that I love to hang up every year. At this time I am in California visiting my sister and we went out and bought tshirts together, of course mine is a Santa with the word Believe under it. Children will learn that the "Santa" who brings gifts is not real, but it is up to us to keep the joy and wonder of what "Santa" means to them alive. I know that my adult children think I am still a big kid at times, and I am happy about that, it means I still have the "feeling" inside me.
    • Crystal Wednesday - 05 / 12 / 2012 Reply
      Love this Mel! I think you are right, even when they stop believeing, we can still keep the magic alive! Hope you are enjoying your time in California!

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