The Important Stuff:
Ottawa Valley Moms :: Ottawa Moms, Arnprior Moms & Renfrew Moms on Parenting, Life, Love and Staying Connected

The Ottawa Valley Moms Show – Episode 2 – Christmas Traditions

Ottawa Valley Moms is SO pleased and proud to announce our brand new web show called, The Ottawa Valley Moms Show!  This web show is a bi-monthly show that will be posted to our YouTube channel and on our blog that features the Ottawa Valley Moms sharing life, love and motherhood with you all in video format!

This post features our second episode and we are so incredibly excited to share it with all of you!  The topic of this episode is: Christmas Traditions.  In this episode, we share with you:

  • Christmas traditions that we have in our own families
  • Gingerbread house kits – how to integrate them into your family
  • Outdoor activities that you can do to stay active through the winter
  • Five gift ideas for children under five
  • A yummy cocktail that you can serve your guests this Christmas

Check out the show and leave your comments either below or on the YouTube video itself!  Don’t forget to also subscribe to our channel so you can be notified of new episodes as they are uploaded!



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  • great idea! RT @momstownottawa: @lianemamo @OttawaValleyMom bought her a mug to steep loose tea leaves and then some tea leaves!
  • hmmm Chris, this sounds like maybe for the whole daycare family!? lol ;) RT @canadiandadblog: @OttawaValleyMom @lianemamo A new car ;D
  • Getting ready to go watch DD's Christmas concert at school! We've been practicing our Fa La La La's for days ;) ^CM