As parents, we know how important it is for our children to learn how to read and write. These skills are the first cornerstones in their education. They help kids build self confidence, as well as promising future opportunities in the workforce. TD has taken initiatives with their flagship Reading and Literacy Programs throughout a lot of different communities in Canada which include a national Book Week, TD Grade One Book Giveaway, Summer Book Clubs, and TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award. These amazing programs give children the opportunities to read, learn problem solving skills, and grow in areas where they might not otherwise have had the resources.
Every spring over 50,000 children participate in TD Canadian Children’s Book Week (May 4-11, 2013). This coming year the week themed “Reading and the Arts” will have 40 children’s story tellers, authors and illustrators, that tour all over Canada engaging children in reading activities. Many schools and communities across the country take this opportunity TD has provided by hosting events that encourage children and youth to learn more about Canadian Literature. For more information check out
Another important week in TD’s Children’s Reading and Literacy Programs is in November when TD funds the distribution of a national author’s book to over 550 000 grade one students! Since becoming a main sponsor in 2000, TD has distributed over 4 million books to students! How incredible is that! This year, each child received the book “I’ve Lost My Cat” written and illustrated by Philippe Béha, and published by Éditions Imagine. It was available in both french and English to the kids across the country.
TD takes a major role throughout the summer to help encourage kids to read and to keep them engaged in learning. What better way to avoid learning loss over the summer holidays than through the TD Summer Reading Club. These programs sounds amazing! It is a joint initiative through TD Bank, local libraries, and Library and Archives Canada. CNIB also works with this program to integrate children with vision loss into the program.
With over 15 years success this program brings over 580 000 children in to read over 2.4 millions books all across Canada! They do a lot of different activities that include poetry and drawing workshops, quizzes and puzzles, as well as reading. They recently launched a successful national preschool program and a pilot teen program in Toronto.
TD and the Canadian Children’s Book Centre partner each year to present a Literature Reward to the most distinguished youth book of the year. The top prize is $25,000 for each author in both French and English. To see who was nominated this year and who won click here.
It is absolutely fantastic that they are rewarding Canadian children’s books authors and illustrators and that there is a focus on developing children’s reading and literacy throughout all of Canada. TD is bringing families and communities together through reading.