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Getting Ready for Pregnancy

Getting Ready for Pregnancy

  • Delicious

After enjoying our summer, my husband and I have decided that starting a family is something we really want to focus on in the New Year. I know, why I am I writing this post now when we aren’t in the full swing of TTCing (Trying to Conceive), but I am in the process of preparing my body for pregnancy! Like some ladies I know out there I am not comfortable with where I am in my, umm…..weight situation at the moment. I confess, I ride that weight gain, weight loss roller coaster and am an emotional eater (I eat when I’m sad & I eat when I’m happy) and I am constantly trying to find a balance. I knew once we started talking seriously about us trying I needed to hop on the weight loss train and stay on it before I got pregnant, not only for my health but for the health of our future baby.

I spoke to my doctor about my options as I knew I needed outside help this time to help me reach my goal in the short time I had set out. I really didn’t want to wait until I reached my ultimate weight goal as that would take longer than I wanted (I admit I’m starting to hear that biological clock faintly ticking ;) ) but I did want to fast track it, in a safe and healthy way. One of the options that my doctor suggested was Dr. Bishop’s Weight Management (which is an Ottawa Weight Loss Center located on Carling Ave). After reviewing everything they offered at the Center I knew this was exactly what I needed to succeed; weight loss is in your hands, but having a little help along the way is what Dr. Bishop and his Center were offering. After my first consultation with Dr. Bishop and then meeting with one of the Support Team members I decided to follow the medical food plan; I personally wanted to see results right away even if it meant that I was having protein shakes (that I purchase at Dr. Bishop’s office) instead of ‘real’ food for a few of my meals. I’m not going to lie, it has been hard and some days I want to give up but I just have to keep remembering why I’m doing this (along with all the super cute clothes I have hanging in my closet that I haven’t been able to wear). I’m currently in my 5th week and am so proud to say that I have lost 10.6 pounds :)

Along with Dr. Bishop’s Support Team, I am very lucky to have a great support system in my family and friends, spear headed by my awesome husband! Now that I’m getting a handle on my new eating habits, I’m going to be incorporating some exercise into the mix. One of the things that I would like to continue with while pregnant is regular exercise, including cardio, weights and yoga… long as my body allows me to of course. Last night I went to my first yoga class in FOREVER and although it took some time to let go and turn my brain off, I felt so good after and can’t wait to go again!

What kind of things did you do to prepare your body for pregnancy? I would love to hear from you!

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Comments (12)

  1. Megs Becking Thursday - 06 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    I think it is such a smart idea what you are doing in preparation of something special and I am so proud of the dedication and perserverance you have shown! Keep going Liss and I'll have to get to yoga with you soon...xo
  2. Lynne Thursday - 06 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    My husband and I are trying for baby number 2. Its ExciterCat...Meow ;o
  3. Jill Lacroix Thursday - 06 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    Way to go Liss! I'm proud of you and eagerly anticipate that email from your mom announcing the BIG news!
  4. Kate Thursday - 06 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    Great job! One other thing I did while tryin to get my body ready was eating more organically. I wanted to try to get my body to its most natural, and hopefully healthy state. After TTC for a looooong time (4 years), I thought what else do I have to lose and tried Traditional Chinese Medicine along with acupuncture. Wouldn't you know it, after a few months I was preggo!! best of luck on this exciting adventure.
  5. Angie Friday - 07 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    I had sorta the same experience as you are having so i thought i would share what happened to me with you. I was also over weight to be exact i weight 366lbs and was having a hard time loosing the weight tried diets and everything nothing was working. My husband and i had decided we wanted to start a family while i was big but nothing was happening we tried for over 3 years and nothing i started thinking my husband was the problem because when he was young he got his tyroid nooked with iodine so this made me think he was shooting blanks. So i kept trying to loose weight and i wasn't winning the battle so i took a massive step and got the gastric bypass, amazing i droped 100lbs in 4 month's and then landed in the hospital because i had a massive ovarian cycst that decided to do a massive growth on me one evening painful. So Feb 11 2011 i got the gastric bypass and in may i got the cyst drained and in june i got pregnant need to say my husband was not the problem lol. At this point i wasn't suppose to be pregnant because i was suppose to wai1 year after the bypass to get pregnant so i of course became a high risk. You know the saying once you stop trying it will happen well i'm proof that it happens exactly like that. Now we have a beautiful baby girl emily she was born in march c-section and everything went good. you'll get there have faith
  6. Crystal Friday - 07 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    You are doing fantastic Mel! Be proud of yourself girl!!! :) XOXO
  7. Erin
    Friday - 07 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    You are doing great Mel!! You're that much closer to your goal ;) xo
  8. Marlayne Saturday - 08 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    Way to go Melissa! Looking forward to hearing more about your journey!
  9. Melody Lachance Sunday - 09 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    Well I am so proud of you for taking this step to improve your health, you have done it before and you can do it again. When the time comes, after Curtis, this "nan" better be the first to know!!!
  10. Melissa Bernard Monday - 10 / 09 / 2012 Reply
    Thank you everyone for your support and encouraging words! Angie thanks for sharing your story, and congrats to you for your weight loss and on the birth of Emily. I know from my friends experiences that sometimes it can happen quickly and sometimes it takes patience. When the time comes, I look forward to sharing the news with you all :) (don't worry Mom, you'll be next to know after us!)
  11. Deena
    Thursday - 18 / 10 / 2012 Reply
    So inspiring! Thanks for sharing your story. Preparing the body for pregnancy and a future child is something that doesn't get much emphasis and it's fantastic! Good for you and keep us posted!
    • Melissa Bernard Friday - 19 / 10 / 2012 Reply
      Thanks Deena! I'm so happy to say that right now I'm 20 pounds lighter than when I started and keeping this in mind is definitely a great motivator to keep going :)

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