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Where to Go for Breastfeeding Support in Ottawa [Guest Post by Fleur Bickford]

Where to Go for Breastfeeding Support in Ottawa [Guest Post by Fleur Bickford]

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Breastfeeding may be the natural way for us to feed our babies, but it’s also a learned skill, and it’s not always easy. Thankfully, there are numerous options for great breastfeeding support in Ottawa.

Mother-to-Mother Support

This kind of support is an important one! We are not meant to parent or breastfeed in isolation, and mother-to-mother support groups provide wonderful on-going information and emotional support. These groups allow you to get out of the house, meet some other nursing moms, and have some adult company! They are also a great place to practice nursing in public for those who are feeling unsure about it.

La Leache League Canada – Ottawa Chapter

There are numerous La Leche League groups throughout Ottawa, including groups for mothers of multiples, mothers who are nursing toddlers, and couples meetings where dads are welcome to attend. Meetings are free to attend, and you do not have to be a member of La Leche League to attend meetings. There is always at least one Leader at each meeting. La Leche League Leaders are mothers who have nursed at least one baby for at least a year, and they have a lot of additional training about breastfeeding. The Leaders are there to help facilitate discussion and answer questions, but the focus is very much on the mother-to-mother support.

Warm line:

E-mail: lllcottawa(at)gmail(dot)com

Breastfeeding Buddies

A wonderful program run by Ottawa Public Health where moms are paired with a buddy who provides phone support both before and after your baby is born.

Breastfeeding Cafe

A weekly mother-to-mother support group

Wednesday mornings from 10:30-12:30 at Milkface (Churchill location)

Tots Breastaurant

A weekly mother-to-mother support group for mothers who are nursing babies ages 12 months and older.

Professional Support:

For mothers who are struggling with painful breastfeeding, low milk production, slow weight gain in their baby or other more complicated breastfeeding issues, it’s time to seek the help of a professional. The sooner you seek help the easier it usually is to sort out the issues!

There are numerous options for professional breastfeeding support in Ottawa:

Drop-In Breastfeeding Clinics: These clinics are free to attend and operate on a first come, first served basis. The clinics are staffed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) and some of the clinics also have a public health nurse available. There are drop-ins every day of the week except Sunday.

An up-to-date list of breastfeeding drop-ins in Ottawa is available here:

Clinics requiring a small fee:

These clinics are run by private practice IBCLCs, and a small fee is required. Information about these clinics can be found here:


Private Practice Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs)

If you are looking for one-on-one help in the comfort of your own home or in an office setting rather than going to a drop-in, then hiring a lactation consultant is a wonderful idea. A visit with a private practice IBCLC provides in depth, personalized support for your breastfeeding issues. You can find a list of all the private practice IBCLCs in Ottawa here:

About Fleur Bickford BSc., RN, IBCLC, LLLL

I am a private practice lactation consultant in Ottawa Ontario, and I am able to meet with you and your family in the comfort of your own home, or in my Barrhaven based home office, to help you achieve your breastfeeding goals.

I am a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences from Queen’s University. I have worked as a nurse in labour and delivery, mother and baby care, and pediatrics. It was during my time on the obstetrics unit that I developed a love of working with new families.

I am the mother of two breastfed children, and after experiencing breastfeeding challenges with our second child, I discovered La Leche League, and a passion for helping other families with breastfeeding. I became a La Leche League Leader in 2007, and in 2009 I wrote and passed the exam to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

I am a strong believer in meeting families where they are, and helping them to achieve their own personal goals for breastfeeding.

Learn more about Fleur at


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